More and more people are looking for content on the internet using smart phones or tablets. Responsive website designs not only adjust to the device browser screen used to access your site but they also allow users to enjoy a much richer site navigating experience for their screen size. Responsive websites are not difficult to code and we recommend that all small business should have a responsive website. Aside from the point you want your website to look good across various devices you also need a responsive website for your business to be listed in a Google search.
Your business needs a responsive website to be found in a Google search
According to a Smart Insights article people are now accessing the internet using mobiles phones more than computers. Why should you care? You should care because as of April 21st 2015 Google has determined that only mobile friendly websites will be shown on mobile devices and that includes tablets and iPads. So if you want your business to be listed in a Google search result page your website needs to be responsive.
Is your current website mobile friendly?
You can check to see if you have a mobile friendly website here at Googles own mobile friendly checker and you can also check to see how your website previews on smart phone and tablets here at http://responsivedesignchecker.com/