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Website Design Blog

Hi, my name is Neil Forrester. I am the owner and web designer of Pixelfire web design Geelong. As the owner of Pixelfire, I am passionate about creating good looking websites and equally passionate about understanding what it takes to get a website onto page one of Google. When I discover something new, I like to share the knowledge here on my blog. I hope you find my articles informative, interesting and helpful in your website design endeavours.

Best wishes,

Neil Forrester - Pixelfire web design owner

Work Life Balance
June 28, 2020

Tips For Keeping A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Achieving work-life balance is an art that needs mastery, just like music, dance and painting. Keeping a good work-life balance may seem like impossible to achieve, especially in the current circumstances. The world is not the same since the coronavirus pandemic broke in. Many employees have been ordered to work…
Blog Writers Australia
June 28, 2020

4 Reasons Why Blog Writing Is Good For Your Website Business

Business blog writing is an inexpensive marketing strategy that can improve your online visibility. Just like social media, email marketing and direct mail, a business blog is a marketing channel that can help you grow your online business. Whether you are a small business or an enterprise, publishing high-quality blog…
Divi Map Module Tutorial
April 27, 2020

Divi Map Module Tutorial

If you have ever wanted to create a custom Google map using the Divi Map Module, I am sure you will have been frustrated by how damn hard it is. But it isn’t the fault of Divi. Google forces website owners to have a Developer Console Account, Active Billing and…